Keep Experimenting

There is no single approach in project management which fits each team, each solution and each customer. So you need to be flexible and try many different options.😉 Your project

Anastazja Michalak By Anastazja Michalak

As Long As You Are Getting Paid?

Often I hear comments like "Ana, are you getting paid for that?" or "Why do you keep doing that for free?" or "If you do a 3 men job, are

Anastazja Michalak By Anastazja Michalak

“Anything You Want” by Derek Sivers

The book is amazing! It takes you into the entrepreneurship world and tells the story of Derek Sivers, creator of the successful business out of his hobby. He sold it

Anastazja Michalak By Anastazja Michalak

If You Ever Get Angry

Never ever allow yourself to get overwhelmed with feelings and act upon them. This is the worst thing which can ever happen to you. Especially - making a permanent decision

Anastazja Michalak By Anastazja Michalak

Walk the Talk

In Business and in personal life it makes a great deal to keep your word. It contributes a lot to our image of reliability, integrity and professionalism. There are so

Anastazja Michalak By Anastazja Michalak

Read more – visit “Goodreads”

Are you still reading books? If yes, then I have something useful to share with you today:) I hope at least some of you have heard about Goodreads, an application

Anastazja Michalak By Anastazja Michalak

Only If You Care

What I am going to write today might sound a little bit like an already known fact, like nothing new or too obvious, but I will still write it. As

Anastazja Michalak By Anastazja Michalak

Validate Your Assumptions

Let us stop making assumptions. Assumptions about people, about their behavior, and situations. They rarely serve us well. What is more, in the majority of cases they turn out to

Anastazja Michalak By Anastazja Michalak

Execution is Worth Millions

To make Business you need 2 components: idea and execution. Your idea is worth nothing unless it is executed. Some of us generate brilliant ideas, but they never get anywhere

Anastazja Michalak By Anastazja Michalak

Know Your Priorities

I kept thinking today about why we need to check our priorities regularly. Not just once a month, but almost daily. It is simply impossible to say that everything is

Anastazja Michalak By Anastazja Michalak